
Monday, May 17, 2004

No progress made this weekend (by me)... at the UCIMUN Confrence all weekend. What a waste. Anyways, we past the deadline for alpha release, so that sucks. I still have to fix alot of things.... and i have a quote for you guys:

******: the first block got down
******: and after that nothing happened
******: until it crashed
******: not a very stable program

No, it isn't very stable. The fact that (1), we rushed into starting the code (thanx mike), and (2), this is our first project. I'd say (for our first project) we're doing a good job. Good job Mike!!! now get the sound to work.

Graphics and Concept Programming -- Prentice Wongvibulsin
Sounda and Digital Media Programming -- Mike Chao

Special Thanks -- Mr. Robo (math functions)
Special Thanks -- Mr. La Blanc (debuging)
Debug and Testing -- Paton Wongviboonsin
Special Thanks -- Paton Wongviboonsin (hours he stayed up late at night to help me finnish portions of my program and debug them)

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

WOW! Yesterday, I finally got it to STACK! NOW WHEN THE BLOCKS FALL they don't all just line up at the bottom, they fall on to each other. But the problem is, randomly when a new block is formed (sometimes), there is a segmentation fault stopping the blocks from falling and the program from working. Must figure that out.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

So, today was one of those days where i spent sitting from morning to night programming..... and i did get ALOT done! It's great... but what a waste of a day. Now it records all blocks that fall and land on the bottom layer ( but the blocks that have already fallen are not detected, so everything just falls through to the bottom )... Anyways, it's getting there.... now there is a randomized drop with colors assigned to each shape. It's cool.... I have an error that's giving me alot of grief right now though:

const int gw_H = 21, gw_W = 10;
typedef BLOCK gwgrid[gw_H][gw_W];

BLOCK is a user-defined class full of enums and variables.... the rest is understandable. If you know what I did wrong, email me @ prentice.wongvibulsin@gmail.com. Thanx!

Saturday, May 08, 2004

So, I finally got the window restrictions to work for ALL THE BLOCKS in ALL ROTATIONS! YES! And I owe it all to this function.

LOCATION objectloc = object.get_location();
sgrid chk_grid;
wgrid chk_shape;
object.get_grid(chk_grid, chk_shape);
for(int i=0; i<sSIZE; i++){
for(int j=0; j<sSIZE; j++){

Anyways, this means we are catching up!!! Now, i'm putting everything in functions so Mike can start writing audio files.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Falling blocks is falling behind schedule! This is not good... we are almost a week behind. We are pushing some things over now though. I beleve we can get a beta out by June 4th.... moved from the end of May. It's been very busy for me though.... (school/volleyball). Hopefully we'll catch up.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

SOURCE UPDATE: v0.0.9a on server (private use)
PRE-ALPHA UPDATE: v0.0.9a (cygwin) on server (public use)

*Possibly eliminated that annoying extra block.
*Formation #6 doesn't disappear.

*Can change color.
*Can reset position.
*Added block template 'FULL' (key '9' to activate) to catch even more rotational/drawing bugs.
pre-alpha: prototype.exe (cygwin)

*note: bug stated above, in this release... when block formation 6 is rotated... it disappears.
(prentice i will laugh at you tomorrow in first period for that. and i will now too... HAHAHAHA)

(version 0.0.7a)

'i' - rotate
'j' - left
'l' - right
'k' - down

'1' - block template 1
'2' - 2
'3' - 3
'4' - 4
'5' - 5
'6' - 6
'7' - block template 7
'8' - empty

'r' - add/remove red from block fill color
'b' - add/remove blue from block fill color
'g' - add/remove green from block fill color

space - reset block position

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Anyways, since the project is progressing fairly well (although 1 day behind schedule so far)... We will soon need beta testers... If you are interested (and are not already part of the project) in beta testing this program, contact Prentice @ prentice.wongvibulsin@gmail.com with the subject header "Falling Blocks - BETA TESTER". Provide your name and contact information.

Thank you.

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