
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Well, I've been working on this project on and off over the past year, but no big advancements. I recieved an e-mail from someone today after almost a year of inactivity on the blog, so that inspired me to post here again. I guess I'll update everyone on where the project is.

I've gotten a little into beta stage with the sound working properly. However, with sound implemented, I've had problems compiling on windows (using cygwin-gcc) (and some distros of linux). I think the problem is installing the right libraries so I'll be working on that when I have time this summer. That's all for now!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

UBERBLOCKS HAS SOUND!!! Finally, after four months (more or less), the game has sound -- only tested on Linux sofar. It works fine and looks great. The only problem I'm facing right now is the filesize. The audio files add up to 80 MB which is way too big for a web release, so I need to compress the audio files somehow. They are in WAV format right now and I will probably end up using MP3; however, that would require a decoder and I'd have to learn how to use it in OpenAL. Any suggestions? E-mail me! prentice.wongvibulsin@gmail.com Thanks!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Hey everyone, if you've been following the progress of this project, you should notice that the program should have been completed quite a few months ago; however, due to unexpected events, the completion of this program has been delayed. Currently, the basic game engine with all of its basic features including the main menu, a high scores list, a config tool (to be added as a feature you can use within the game), and many other intresting features and more to come. Anyway, the project is ready for it's beta release minus the completion of the sound engine. We are waiting for Mike to finnish it and he project it's completion by November 1st. If all goes well, the beta release is projected for Thanksgiving Break (Nov 25.) Thank you.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Project falling blocks is well on it's way to it's first Alpha release! Currently the program is more stable than the first revision and now is closer to completion. Due to the unavailability of a web server, the alpha version will not be available on this site at this time. We hope to find a server available to us very soon. If you are interested in testing this project, e-mail me at prentice.wongvibulsin@gmail.com regarding this project.

thank you.

Monday, June 07, 2004

The Falling Blocks project will be suspended until summer vacation due to the high work-load as the end of the school year nears.

Monday, May 17, 2004

No progress made this weekend (by me)... at the UCIMUN Confrence all weekend. What a waste. Anyways, we past the deadline for alpha release, so that sucks. I still have to fix alot of things.... and i have a quote for you guys:

******: the first block got down
******: and after that nothing happened
******: until it crashed
******: not a very stable program

No, it isn't very stable. The fact that (1), we rushed into starting the code (thanx mike), and (2), this is our first project. I'd say (for our first project) we're doing a good job. Good job Mike!!! now get the sound to work.

Graphics and Concept Programming -- Prentice Wongvibulsin
Sounda and Digital Media Programming -- Mike Chao

Special Thanks -- Mr. Robo (math functions)
Special Thanks -- Mr. La Blanc (debuging)
Debug and Testing -- Paton Wongviboonsin
Special Thanks -- Paton Wongviboonsin (hours he stayed up late at night to help me finnish portions of my program and debug them)

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

WOW! Yesterday, I finally got it to STACK! NOW WHEN THE BLOCKS FALL they don't all just line up at the bottom, they fall on to each other. But the problem is, randomly when a new block is formed (sometimes), there is a segmentation fault stopping the blocks from falling and the program from working. Must figure that out.

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